
Play Concept - Play Concept received the Outstanding Social Caring Organization Award - 1
Play Concept received the Outstanding Social Caring Organization Award

Play Concept cares about social responsibilities since our inception in 2005. As we are a part of the play industry, we strive to enhance the quality of the play space and focus on safety to protect our children. Social Enterprise Research Academy (SERA) recognized and awarded us the Outstanding Social Caring Organization Award.

SERA is the first professional body in Asia to have developed the Social Caring Pledge Scheme for businesses. She dedicated to the continual development, promotion and application of corporate citizenship principles, models and technique in Asia. Mr. Eddie Ng Hak Kim, GBS, JP and Professor Chan Cheung Ming, Chairperson, Equal Opportunities Commission officiated at the Ceremony on 15th December 2018. Our Director, Ms. Judie Au received the Award on behalf of Play Concept. 

We appreciated the recognition from SERA. We promise we will care and contribute to the society continuously.